Barbara Bollier, Chair
Dr. Barbara Bollier is a physician and public servant. She began her career in public service in 2010, when she was appointed to represent the 25th District in the Kansas House of Representatives. She served in the House until 2017, when she was elected to the Kansas Senate. A lifelong Republican, she joined the Democratic Party in 2018, and served the remainder of her Senate term as a member of the Senate Democratic Caucus. In 2020, she was recruited to run one of the largest U.S. Senate races in recent history.
While Barbara may not be the junior U.S. Senator from Kansas, her commitment to helping improve our state for hardworking Kansans remains steadfast. She started Kansans for a Democratic Senate because she knows that Democrats must break the supermajority in order to make progress; that Governor Kelly needs allies to support her agenda and stop extremist legislation from passing; and that her home state will be a better place with common sense restored in Topeka.
Nancy Leiker, Treasurer
Nancy Leiker has been a leader in Democratic politics in Kansas for many years. A lifelong Kansan, Nancy most recently finished her third term as the Chair for the Johnson County Democratic Party, the largest county party organization in the state. As chair, she oversaw record-breaking fundraising, candidate recruitment, and election results. In addition to steadily increasing the number of Democrats occupying State House and Senate seats in Johnson County, under her leadership Democrats flipped the county blue in 2020 at the presidential level for the first time in decades.
Like Barbara, Nancy has advocated for commonsense policies in Kansas throughout her career. She believes that Kansas needs a Senate that is more balanced and works to support the needs of the people of Kansas rather than simply playing partisan politics.